Viac Academy
Pillar 3a: the same maximum amount applies for 2020
For beneficiaries with a pension fund the amount remains CHF 6’826 and for self-employed without a pension fund connection CHF 34’128 or 20% of net earned income.
Therefore also for 2020: save taxes with VIAC third pillar and take care of your retirement at the same time!
Your tax advantages:
- 3a payments are deductible from taxable income – no more than the maximum amount may be paid in
- 3a retirement savings are exempt from wealth, income and Swiss withholding tax for the entire duration of the savings period
- 3a withdrawals are taxed at a reduced tax rate
- 3a assets can be used to finance owner-occupied residential property. A pledge of the 3a credit is worth considering in the current low interest environment, resulting in the assets remaining invested and thus growing. In the long term and depending on the strategy chosen, this can generate a higher return than the mortgage interest payable (positive leverage). In addition, mortgage interest is tax-deductible.