VIAC Invest offers you a wide selection of standard strategies: whether global or sustainable, with high or low risk – a suitable strategy for everyone!
Strategy | Equity Weight | Year-to-date | Total Costs until end of 2025* |
Total costs 2026 onwards |
Invest account (0.60% interest) | 0% | 0.6% | free | free |
Global 20 | 20% | 5.4% | 0.09% | 0.17% |
Global 40 | 40% | 9.3% | 0.14% | 0.27% |
Global 60 | 60% | 13.5% | 0.19% | 0.37% |
Global 80 | 80% | 17% | 0.23% | 0.47% |
Global 100 | 99% | 17.3% | 0.22% | 0.46% |
Strategy | Equity Weight | Year-to-date | Total Costs until end of 2025* |
Total costs 2026 onwards |
Invest account (0.60% interest) | 0% | 0.6% | free | free |
Global 20 | 20% | 8.5% | 0.23% | 0.48% |
Global 40 | 40% | 11.4% | 0.24% | 0.48% |
Global 60 | 60% | 14.6% | 0.24% | 0.49% |
Global 80 | 80% | 17.2% | 0.24% | 0.49% |
Global 100 | 99% | 17.3% | 0.22% | 0.46% |
Strategy | Equity Weight | Year-to-date | Total Costs until end of 2025* |
Total costs 2026 onwards |
Invest account (0.60% interest) | 0% | 0.6% | free | free |
Switzerland 20 | 20% | 3.7% | 0.09% | 0.17% |
Switzerland 40 | 40% | 6.1% | 0.14% | 0.27% |
Switzerland 60 | 60% | 8.6% | 0.18% | 0.37% |
Switzerland 80 | 80% | 11.3% | 0.23% | 0.46% |
Switzerland 100 | 99% | 10.7% | 0.21% | 0.45% |
Strategy | Equity Weight | Year-to-date | Total Costs until end of 2025* |
Total costs 2026 onwards |
Invest account (0.60% interest) | 0% | 0.6% | free | free |
Switzerland 20 | 20% | 6.8% | 0.23% | 0.48% |
Switzerland 40 | 40% | 8.3% | 0.23% | 0.48% |
Switzerland 60 | 60% | 10% | 0.23% | 0.48% |
Switzerland 80 | 80% | 11.5% | 0.23% | 0.48% |
Switzerland 100 | 99% | 10.7% | 0.21% | 0.45% |
Strategy | Equity Weight | Year-to-date | Total Costs until end of 2025* |
Total costs 2026 onwards |
Invest account (0.60% interest) | 0% | 0.6% | free | free |
Global Sustainable 20 | 20% | 3.6% | 0.10% | 0.17% |
Global Sustainable 40 | 40% | 7.2% | 0.15% | 0.27% |
Global Sustainable 60 | 60% | 10.8% | 0.20% | 0.38% |
Global Sustainable 80 | 80% | 14.4% | 0.25% | 0.48% |
Global Sustainable 100 | 99% | 16.7% | 0.25% | 0.50% |
Strategy | Equity Weight | Year-to-date | Total Costs until end of 2025* |
Total costs 2026 onwards |
Invest account (0.60% interest) | 0% | 0.6% | free | free |
Global Sustainable 20 | 20% | 7.2% | 0.24% | 0.49% |
Global Sustainable 40 | 40% | 9.7% | 0.25% | 0.50% |
Global Sustainable 60 | 60% | 12.3% | 0.26% | 0.51% |
Global Sustainable 80 | 80% | 14.9% | 0.27% | 0.52% |
Global Sustainable 100 | 99% | 16.7% | 0.25% | 0.50% |
Transparency and fairness are very important to us. That is why we only charge our VIAC Invest funds a flat management fee. This fee covers all costs incurred, ensuring that there are no hidden fees.
Many providers charge additional costs on top of the management fee – such as annual fees from the supervisory authority, audit company fees or publication costs. Although this practice is permitted by regulation, it reduces the performance of investors. VIAC deliberately avoids such additional charges and offers a fair and transparent cost structure.
Selection Process
Each index investment is strongly oriented towards an underlying benchmark index. In order to ensure that the individual strategies are globally diversified and sensibly distributed according to asset classes and regions, the appropriate benchmark indices must be selected beforehand. Note that this preselection is not always obvious: For example, the SMI, SLI, SPI and SMIM all reflect the Swiss stock market, but they all differ greatly in terms of diversification and risk/return profile.
In order to reflect the preselected benchmark indices as well and as cost-effectively as possible, the following quantitative criteria are used: product fees, trading liquidity, tracking error (deviation from the benchmark), and trading spread. These characteristics are regularly checked and guarantee an optimal and customer-oriented choice of the target funds used.
According to the fund contract, investments may only be made in target funds that replicate at least 90% physically. Therefore, they effectively invest in the securities of the underlying benchmark index. Investments in synthetically replicating products are not made, as these are exposed to counterparty risk.
VIAC funds are generally exempt from stamp duty. Care is taken to ensure that the target funds are optimized with regard to withholding tax and that either no withholding tax is deducted or that it can be reclaimed if possible.
Name | ISIN | Currency | Costs | Factsheet | Prospectus |
Invest account | - | CHF | - | - | - |
The “VIAC Invest” service is provided by VIAC Invest Ltd. VIAC Invest Ltd. is a fund management company pursuant to Art. 32 of the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) under the supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern.
The information on this website is not intended for persons who are subject to a legal system that prohibits access or publication or the subscription or acquisition of the relevant units by such persons (due to the nationality of the person concerned, their place of residence or for other reasons) and may not be passed on to such persons. The collective investment schemes mentioned on this website are only accessible to investors who are domiciled or resident in Switzerland and who have concluded a permanent written asset management agreement with VIAC Invest Ltd. and are therefore qualified investors pursuant to Art. 10 para. 3ter of the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA).
The information contained on this website constitutes advertising within the meaning of Art. 68 FinSA and Art. 95 FinSO. It is for information purposes only and in no way constitutes a solicitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell fund units or any other type of transaction in connection with the collective investment schemes mentioned on this website.
Factsheets, sales prospectuses including the fund contract and annual reports of the VIAC funds can be downloaded from this website.