The most important thing first: Upon taking up a new job, you must transfer your vested benefits assets into the new pension fund. A vested benefits account is thus usually the best choice for short-term parking of money.
Unless you have to transfer your pension fund assets back into a pension fund, vested benefits serve the same purpose as pension funds. The investment horizon is therefore very long, making it suitable for investing in securities. This is also because vested benefits can only be withdrawn early in a few exceptional cases regulated by law.
Yet not everyone is equally relaxed about fluctuations in pension assets. VIAC therefore offers a wide range of options: from classic vested benefits cash accounts to strategies with almost 100% equities (only selectable in the extra-mandatory segment). We offer the right strategy for every need. You can also define a different strategy for your mandatory and extra-mandatory segments and thus, for example, choose a lower risk level for the mandatory segment.